SoundSpace™ Experiences

Sound Science Education:
• Experience a unique space for acoustical learning
• Explore the design of the first modern, acoustically-tuned chambered mound, bridging ancient wisdom and technology
• Study the history of chambered mounds worldwide
• Engage with the “looming response,” a sense of approaching force
• Confront primordial darkness and feel the physical presence of sound throughout your body

Musical Performances and Recordings:
• Attend Soundscape performances that inspire and move you
• Enjoy profound music, singing, theater, ceremony, and chanting by vocalists, musicians, and unique sound-producing devices

Spiritual Growth:
• Enter a transformative space for spiritual, shamanic, otherworldly, and multi-dimensional experiences
• A sacred place for prayer, meditation, chanting, singing, and toning

Healing Experiences:
• Discover the effects of 111 Hertz, a resonant frequency that alters brain activity
• Attend workshops on standing waves, Helmholtz resonance, chanting, sound healing, music therapy, and finding your Sacred Voice
• Experience total silence as an antidote to life’s noise and embark on a sonic journey into unknown realms of the mind.

The Visitors: Educators, students, meditators, musicians, performers, researchers, workshop leaders, and vocal groups will journey from near and far to visit SoundSpace. It will be a safe, ADA-accessible, and welcoming place for everyone. The completed SoundSpace Chambered Mound welcomes visitors from around the world, including educators, meditators, musicians, performers, researchers, workshop leaders, and vocal groups, e.g., singing, chanting, and toning.

Part of a 500-Year Plan

Earth Sanctuary is a peaceful and magical place for personal renewal and spiritual connection open to the global community. It’s a 72-acre Nature Reserve, Sculpture Garden, and Retreat Center where art, ecological restoration, and spirituality converge. Earth Sanctuary engages the community through nature trails, three bird-filled ponds, and a variety of sacred spaces that highlight diverse global spiritual traditions. It’s located on South Whidbey Island, 100 minutes north of Seattle.

SoundSpace will join 11 other sacred spaces already embedded at Earth Sanctuary. Earth Sanctuary is the brainchild of Chuck Pettis, who along with collaborators, has been shaping the land and the sacred spaces since 2000. There is a 500-year plan in place to return Earth Sanctuary to an old-growth forest with over 15,000 native plants and 3,350 trees planted to date. Earth Sanctuary enhances biodiversity, fights climate change, and creates spaces of profound peace and beauty.

Chuck Pettis is a visionary environmentalist and has dedicated over 50 years to studying ancient monuments.  At Earth Sanctuary, he has created two stone circles, two Native American Medicine Wheels, a labyrinth, a Buddhist Stupa, a Neolithic dolmen, and four contemporary sculptures. The author of Secrets of Sacred Space has been recognized for his significant contributions to environmentalism and spirituality.

The Archetypes of the SoundSpace Chambered Mound

The archetypes surrounding this project are all potent: death, initiation, return to the womb, confronting the dark, finding one’s voice, all with the purpose of opening to the Source and Rebirth. These archetypes are primal. They evoke fear, awe and demand respect. The time we are living through is bringing up many issues around being in confined places, fear and death. Never has there been a collective time when we are more in the dark, more in need of a vision to move us forward. Having a place such as the Earth Sanctuary SoundSpace Chambered Mound available is needed to explore and heal issues around these archetypes and how they are manifesting in our lives. The potential for multi-dimensional transformative spiritual and therapeutic experiences is huge.
Susan Elizabeth Hale, an internationally renowned music therapist and the author of Sacred Space Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Mysteries of Holy.

References – Articles

References – Books